Schedule Your Exam

Schedule Your Exam

Preventative Care

You regular dental exam is a critical part of your health care. Some of our patients have put off an exam during covid-19 and we are seeing problems we should catch right away, while they are still minor.

Every dental exam allows your hygienist to clean your teeth and your dentist to check for cavities and gum disease. This means evaluating your risk of other oral problems and checking your whole mouth, tongue, face and neck. We have a regular schedule of dental X-rays, which can pinpoint developing cavities early.

We may also talk about your diet and oral hygiene habits and suggest other brushing and flossing techniques. If indicated, or your health has changed recently, we will bring up lifestyle factors and possible cosmetic procedures. We offer teeth whitening, recommend braces or invisalign (r), and can consult on veneers.

Why to Call Now

Regular dental exams help protect not just your oral health, but also your overall health. For instance, signs and symptoms of some systemic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and diabetes, might show up in the mouth first. If your hygienist or dentist finds indications of disease, he or she will suggest that you see your doctor.

Also, the exam gives your dentist a chance to provide tips on caring for your teeth and to detect oral health problems early — when they’re most treatable.

When to Come in

The American Dental Association recommends that adults schedule regular dental exams at intervals determined by a dentist.

Even if you no longer have your natural teeth, it’s important to see your dentist for regular dental exams to maintain your oral health and the usefulness of your replacement teeth.

Dear Patients,
We are seeing non-emergent dental patients.

For more information on what to expect at your next appointment, please visit our updates page.

We look forward to seeing your smiles!

Dr Ireland and Dr Mercho